Modality obsolescence

Now that we have got all manners of multi-core and kernel mode programming I think modality should be on its way out. Few things are less irritating than an un-responsive computer, computers should always respond full stop. With GUI systems, modality is often the cause of computer freezes, regardless of the ‘root cause’ of the issue. It’s the lack of modality in Unix system command line interface that make them mostly manageable and more resilient.

In the early 90s Microsoft Windows programming involved creating well … ‘windows’ and ‘dialogs’ in C++. The same thing could be achieved with Visual Basic and various other development platforms. Dialogs could be modal or non modal. You relied on the underlying messaging system to orchestrate functionality between modules. The whole concept was fairly simple, the complexity really came from the high number of APIs and libraries to code against. With C++ the other half of complexity came from the challenge for programmers to write code that truly reflected what they really had in mind and what they really ought to know about the tools and platforms being used, a gigantic ‘expectation’ gap. Writing my first dialogs and seeing ‘hello word’ was an exciting moment. Microsoft Windows and most graphical user interface systems still build on the fundamental concepts of ‘modal’ and ‘non modal’ dialogs and windows.

Looking back I think modality’s raison d’etre was and still is to try and preserve the integrity of the data being manipulated. You wanted to be sure that the program’s context is in a predictable state before proceeding further. This is inherently a sequential concept that ought to be left behind soon. In a true parallel computing world I would expect hardware and software modules to be even more self-contained, able to ‘move on’ if some desired state was not reached. This should rid us of computers totally freezing under certain conditions. This might never happen with silicon chips based Moore Law abiding platforms. Perhaps nano technology would help if it departs completely from ‘old’ models. Off to learning a bit about nanotechnologies then. Who knows.

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